Our Health Services target both your Holistic and Epigenetic needs to propel you towards Optimal Health

At Optigenome our goal is to “Optimize your Epigenome”

 Using the Biology of Epigenetics + the Physics of Quantum Mechanics = we have the Power to identify which lifestyle factors are impacting your gene expression => armed with this knowledge we can modify your daily habits, essentially all of your lifestyle inputs, to foundationally improve your health from the inside out.

THIS is “Optimizing your Epigenome”

Discover exactly what your body needs - directly from your cells.

Our non-invasive Epigenetic Hair Scan evaluates which environmental inputs >> your nutrition, your exposure to toxins, the pathogens you’re exposed to, the air you breathe, your positive or negative thoughts, and your physical and emotional stressors << that are directly impacting your cells.

These environmental inputs continually make changes to your Epigenome and ultimately your genes’ ability to create the proteins and enzymes necessary to maintain healthy and optimal metabolic functions.

LEARN your Epigenetic Indicators.

GROW your Daily Health Choices.


Knowledge is power.

Revealing your epigenetic needs directly from your cells, empowers you to build true foundational wellness through positively impacting your gene expression.

We are passionate about supporting you with the data and tools you need to reach your health goals.

The goal in creating a fulfilled life isn’t always the simplest path, if you find yourself lost, our hope is that you will gain the knowledge, and harness the strength, to reset your intentions and find the bridge to optimal health.