Begins with You
Prevention vs Cure
Modern science has created the impression that all human health and wellness is dependent upon vast and great ‘medical discoveries’ as saviors to our human existence. This impression of health couldn’t be further from reality. Our bodies are miracles in and of themselves, and each human system has a far greater knowledge of its needs ~ specifically in regards to individualized healing ~ than any outside discovery or one size fits all cure could ever provide.
Empowering humans’ with the knowledge that their bodies and minds have the ultimate power over their wellness, their genes, their health, and that their futures are impacted by themselves and their environment far greater than anything else in the world…is the understanding we need to fuel the Health Revolution of our society. Our nutritional status, lifestyle, choices, thoughts, belief, stress, physical environment and so much more all affect the epigenetic quantum field at every second of every minute, hour and day. In reality, we are in control of our health and our reality more than we ever dreamed possible.
We are in charge of the strength of our body’s resilience. We just need to know how and where to invest our efforts.
Health is up to Each of Us
Every thought, emotion, and choice we make on a daily basis has profound influences on our internal cells, proteins, and systems; It is these systems that in turn influence how optimally our biology functions. So it all comes back to us. The more we invest in educating ourselves on what our body truly needs, the more we provide it the proper resources and foundation it deserves.
We are not at the mercy life. We are not simply victims of what life gives us, and we need not fear all of the modern day diagnosis we worry about and seeing so many suffering from.
Diagnoses are simply labels for different forms of underlying epigenetic dysfunction, and they are labels that fundamentally don’t help to cure anything; their sole purpose is to guide allopathic medicine to determine which pharmaceutical drug to prescribe.
These labels don’t heal anything nor do the drugs prescribed cure anything. The underlying epigenetic dysfunction still exists and is the result of years of environmental exposures along unawareness of our true biologic needs. Often simultaneously using drugs to mask symptoms.
Especially recently - a stressful event, an infection, an injury, or an alternative external source is thought to “cause” chronic illness - but the reality is, had the years of built up gene dysregulation not existed to begin with then the external trigger would not have the power to create the negative consequential that it did.
Empowered & Anxiety Free
The knowledge that epigenetics plays a fundamental role in gene dysregulation, empowers us as that we are ultimately in control of our genes rather than the other way around.
The frequent scenario of “dis-ease” does not need to be such a common reality. A pathogen, a diagnosis, a toxin, or a negative life event does not need to be the catalyst that so many believe was the initiator of their health downturn.
We as individuals are in far greater control of every single health positivity or negativity our body deals with and we have far greater power over how are bodies are able to respond to a life stressor than we ever dreamed possible.
Gaining the knowledge of our individual influences and having the intention to create an optimal environment, can help us address the foundation of our health more directly than anything else. “Dis-ease” is most often not the result of just one single life event, but rather a culmination of many repetitive negative influences on our systems.
We are in control of our health destiny.
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