8 Lifestyle Keys
Fundamental Health is derived through a life of Balance, Connection, and Positive Environmental Influences. Living optimally our bodies are primed and capable of handling whatever comes our way…physically, mentally, emotionally.
Connection to Earth
Connection to Spirit
Connection to Others
Connection to Earth * Connection to Spirit * Connection to Others * Sleep * Movement * Purpose * Nutrition * Release *
Our everyday priorities hold the key to our health and freedom from “dis-ease”.
8 Lifestyle KEYS for Optimal Health
Many of us have been taught to believe that achieving “optimal health” comes solely from exercise and eating healthy - a far too simplistic way of thinking. Using this paradigm, so much of what actually makes us healthy is ignored. With such a one-track focus, we are actually creating an unhealthy imbalance in our physiology. Of course, most exercise is really important and good for our health, but proper recovery amongst so much else MUST be incorporated. If not, trying to reach the goal of “health” without balance we unknowingly create huge vulnerabilities within our bodies.
Instead it is scientifically sound, that like everything in nature, life is about cycles and balance. Balance of our actions affect balance within our bodies. Proper priorities of lifestyle is where you will find your optimal state of being.
When we find a life of balance our resiliency sky rockets. Our metabolic systems operate seamlessly, we feel amazing, and the strength of physical, emotional, mental, and immunological states are at their peak.
The investment we make in each of these areas either support our overall health or neglect it, creating either a strength or a weakness in our physiology. Your thoughts, mindset, detoxification practices, digestion, connections, and your daily environment all influence how your genes’ read the instructions in your DNA.