Optimize YOUR Epigenome

Epigenome = chemical compounds added to your DNA >> based on your daily lifestyle habits and exposures => directly regulating your genes’ expression.

>> These added chemical compounds, alter your genome throughout your lifetime <<

— they were not originally part of the genetics you were born with —

but they do attach to your DNA AND have been discovered to be passed down to future generations!!

This is why everyone < even identical twins > have an exclusively unique Epigenome!

How can I determine which environmental exposures are impacting my Epigenome?

We harness both science and technology through performing an Epigenetic Hair Scan to discover exactly which nutritional, environmental, and lifestyle factors are influencing your genes’ function.

Your personalized nutrient and environmental indicators are provided to you in an extensive 37 page color-coded Hair Scan Report; prioritizing the lifestyle priorities needed to make meaningful improvements to your health.

Maintaining these changes for 90 days, improves your genes’ ability to create the proteins and enzymes needed to maintain healthy cellular and systemic metabolic functions.

Learn More Below…

What is Epigenetics?

Prevention vs Cure

What Causes Illness?

8 Lifestyle Keys

Choosing to make inputs that re-align ourselves with nature, allow our innate biophysics and biochemistry to operate optimally, and allow our Epigenome to create optimal gene expression.