What Causes Illness?
Our Disconnected Modern Lives take us far from The Power of Nature.
Modern Living
Most of us are living in a sub-optimal state and more often than not are functioning well below our genetic and chronological potential. This is due to poor functional genomic expression which intrinsically depends upon the environmental factors that we are exposed to and allow ourselves to live in. These environmental factors include but are not limited to: the soil with which our food sources are grown in, the nutritional profile of our eating habits, our recovery ability, our detoxification allowances, the air we breathe, our toxin exposure, our personal relationships, and even our subconscious thoughts.
Nature’s Power
Nature is an epigenetic quantum system and operates in perfect harmony - it is a universal healer to all - that is well documented - and we depend on it to thrive and regenerate. However, in our present day modern lives we are drenched with synthetic influence which drastically reduces our natural alignment; more often than not, our health challenges are a result of this mis-alignment. Therefore, if we empower ourselves with nature and the knowledge of how to re-align with it, we can use its capacity to influence the changes we need to bring about improved wellness and optimized daily performance.
The blessing is that our bodies give us clues as to when our environment isn’t positive for us on a biochemical level. These “symptoms” that appear are simply communication from our bodies that we need to provide it attention.
Our lifestyle and the daily influence of our environmental factors are largely responsible for these symptoms and our suboptimal functional performance. The great news is, we are not at the mercy of them forever, nor the factors that have caused them, including our inherited genes! If we think of this communication as a signal for help to stop what we are doing and look for ways to improve the environment we are providing for our cells (rather than trying to suppress this communication from our bodies through medications), then our bodies can use this new and more positive environment to perform optimally as it was intended to do.
Symptoms: whether they show up everyday or just every once in a while commonly including fatigue, sleep disturbances, hormone imbalances, brain fog, headaches, joint pain, irritability, as well as anxiety and depression tendencies are our body’s way of communicating with us
>> if we choose to suppress them with pharmaceutical drugs we are not fixing the root of our problem <<
instead we are simply choosing to ignore our bodies’ message to us that we have an underlying issue that needs our attention.
We as individuals have the most control over making permanent improvements to these symptoms through altering our gene expression. The inputs we choose to provide our bodies with everyday are instructions to our genes on how exactly to read our DNA and to behave. We have more control over these inputs and ultimately our symptoms than anyone or anything else on the planet.