How to discover your 100% Individual Epigenetic Indicators.

Epigenetic Hair Scan

Harness the information available from your body.

Our non-invasive hair scan provides a wealth of biologic information. There is 80 days of root growth within each hair follicle beneath your scalp, offering crucial nutritional, metabolic, and environmental data. We pluck 4 strands of hair and our revolutionary technology analyzes the live blood flow, DNA, and cells against 800 health & wellness indicators; prioritizing your nutrient, food, environmental and detoxification needs.

LEARN your Epigenetic Indicators. GROW your Daily Health Choices. OPTIMIZE your EPIGENOME!

In-Person: hair analysis scanning procedure

To conduct your In Person hair scan you will be seated and relaxed. With your eyes closed you will be asked to focus on the first color that comes to mind to relax your nervous system, as we pluck 4 strands of hair from the occipital area of your scalp. The hair follicles will immediately be placed on the S-Drive coil for scanning. This scanning process only takes a few seconds, at which time the data collected from the scan will be sent anonymously via a secure connection to our high-speed servers in Hamburg Germany. The super computers use the resonance information and algorithms to interpret and map each of your unique Epigenetic Indicators, and we receive your comprehensive Hair Scan Report back in just 15 minutes.

Mail-In: hair analysis scanning procedure

Order a hair scan from anywhere in the United States! (excluding NY)

Place your Mail In scan order, and hair collection kit will be express shipped to your home. Follow the hair collection video; then send your sample via express shipping to the processing center using the provided pre-paid envelope. Once your sample is processed, you will receive an email with your Hair Scan Report we will review during your Online Consult.

Our “Immunity & Wellbeing” Hair Scan Report is our most comprehensive epigenetic data set and is standard with both our In-Person and Remote service offerings.

If an alternate focus is desired (see options below) please indicate alternate report desired in the “Reason for Booking” field upon booking your service.

For more details or to view full sample reports, please visit our technology provider: Cell Well Being



The root/bulb of the hair is the only part of the hair that is alive; meaning it is able to self-regulate and self-replicate. It feeds from the blood vessels that bring information and nutrients from the systemic microcirculation which is subcutaneous through the papilla. It has full and constant contact with the dermis and has living cells such as melanocytes, keratinocytes and fibroblasts. The hair shaft is a non-living integumentary structure from ectodermal origin which is the same as the skin, the connective tissue and the nervous tissue that includes the brain, spine cranial and spinal nerves. All of these tissue cells contain DNA in their nucleus. 

The hair shaft and its bulb are in fact an antenna that is constantly sensing and thus detecting environmental signals emanating from the micro and macro environment. So much so, that within the pilosebaceous unit there is a muscle called the arrector pili muscle, which are small muscles attached to hair follicles and are the smallest muscles in the body. It takes up to 80 days for new hair growth to erupt onto surface from the scalp and it is this under skin portion that is used with the resonance technology to create your epigenetic data.

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The S-Drive is the hardware we use to measure the vibrational energy resonating from the hair roots. This technology uses bio-resonance to distinguish which information in the signature wave is supporting efficiency and optimal expression.

The spectrum coil in the center of the S-Drive produces a scalar wave that senses the changes that occur when the hair roots are placed on the coil. It then uses informational signals from the hair root bulb found in the hair follicle which emit a signature wave. This disturbs the scalar wave and the software connected to the S-Drive converts the epigenetic information into a digital record. The digital record which is sent to an informational centre in Hamburg, Germany and is then read by a massive super-computer which decodes, encodes and digitalizes the signature wave emanating from its resonance of the hair follicle and then reads it. It synthesizes over 800 individual wellness indicators and is relevant to the individual epigenetic data captured.

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The science and technology used to decode “vibrational energy” was developed and has been refined for the past twenty years by an international and multidisciplinary team of scientists, epigenetic specialists and medical professionals. It is utilized in our hair analysis technology to gather your personalized epigenetic indicators and provide you with revolutionary knowledge about your current epigenetic status.

This technology is FDA compliant and was approved with Cell Well Being as a general wellness tool for use in the United States in 2017. Prior to this and presently, it has been utilized internationally creating hundreds of thousands of reports with tremendous accuracy and success. It is not intended to diagnose nor treat any disease, but rather is an ideal tool for empowering daily nutritional and lifestyle choices. Optigenome LLC, is a registered Cell Well Being Provider.

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